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10 Minute HIIT Workout

by Ashley
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Sometimes life happens and we don’t have time to make it to the gym but that doesn’t mean we have to skip a workout all together. A short workout is better than no workout and high intensity interval training is a great way to burn fat and calories in a short period of time. Check out the workout below.

What you’ll need: A mat and a timer. Dumbbells are optional for added resistance.

What to do: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with 30 second breaks in between. Repeat for two rounds.


  1. Jump Squats
  2. High Knees
  3. Burbees
  4. Jumping lunges
  5. Mountain Climbers

Jump Squats

Step 1: Start with hips shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Start by doing a regular squat then jump up explosively.

Step 3: When you land, lower your body back into a squat position.

See demonstration here.

High Knees

Step 1: Start standing straight up and place feet hip width apart. Reach your hands out, palms facing the floor just above your belly button.

Step 2: Drive your right knee up to your right palm, then alternate your left leg up to your left palm.

Step 3: Alternating your knees with a hopping motion and stay on the balls of your feet the entire time.

See demonstration here.


Step 1:Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides, and weight in your heels.

Step 2: Lower your body into a squat and place your hands on the floor.

Step 3: Jump feet back into a plank position. Perform one push up.

Step 4: Jump feet back into a squat position, jump up, and reach hands overhead. Repeat for 30 seconds.

See demonstration here.

Jumping Lunges

Step 1: Start by standing with your feet slightly apart. Start with your right foot and step into a normal forward lunge.

Step 2: Push off the bottom of both feet into a jump and switch the position of your feet midair and land with the opposite foot into a normal forward lunge position.

Step 3:Without rest continue alternating between each leg for 30 seconds.

See demonstration here.

Mountain Climbers

Step 1: start in a plank position.

Step 2: Bring your right knee in toward your chest without lifting your hips up.

Step 2: Slightly hop both feet off the ground and land on your left foot with your knee toward your chest.

Step 3: Continue alternating both legs without rest.

See demonstration here.

Hope you enjoyed this workout and let me know the comments below if you felt the burn!










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